I finished this 16 x 20 Senorita almost two weeks ago but was unable to post her photo because she was a Christmas surprise. This was for a Spanish teacher who loves "dia de los muertos," lilies, and red. Check, check and check! Let me tell you, a lot of blood when into this. While working on background, I cut off the tip of one of my knuckles, blecch! So worth it because the Spanish teacher is my new daughter, Erin. Kaleo asked me to make it for her. Serious fun. What a beautiful smile!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
ho ho ho
day of the dead,
dia de los muertos,
linda billet,
Sunday, October 28, 2012
meet diana prince
Great Hera! I spent quite a bit of time with Diana Prince the past 6 weeks so I know a few things about her. For instance, did you know the creator of this Amazon princess ( William Moulton Marstonalso) invented the polygraph? No WONDER she has a magic lasso that will get the truth out of you. Oh so many cool things about her- seriously revolutionary in her day.
The whole reason she became a mosaic is that blue hair. I wanted to do something cartoon so I could do that cool blue hair and BenDay dots. While I was sitting with a tweezers, I began to question that decision but now that it is done....love it. I mean, first I had to MAKE all those bitty balls. Then I need it to be fun so I fired the blue on one side, then fired the red on the other. So when you see it in person, it shifts when your perspective changes. And yeah, I wanted a big BLAM! Stars and stripes forever, baby. She'll be in the Disney show in a week. YES!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
annual pineapple
My brother and I have this corny inside joke about pineapple upside down cake. My mom used to make it every year for my brother's birthday because she said it was his favorite. Every year he would tell her that he really does not like pineapple upside down cake. But since there was always 364 days until the next birthday, she would forget. Ironically, Rob's favorite cake is... yes... pineapple upside down. So I saw this photograph on Facebook of a pineapple upside down cake and it just struck me as a mosaic. I mean, doesn't everything? So right now this is my new favorite, at least until Wonder Woman is done, right? Look ma! No blue!
linda billet,
upside down
Sunday, October 7, 2012
cute couple!
Just finished this today -a wedding present. I was asked for Philadelphia references. So if it is a wedding present, you gotta be thinking of the Philadelphia LOVE sculpture, right? They had a liberty bell at everyone's place setting for the reception so the liberty bell part is a no-brainer too. I LOVE that tile. In fact, it was the first time I used Bullseye glass to make it. The city-scape was snatched right from their wedding stationary, the artwork was from one of the bride's students...yes, I stole it. Oh, and yes, the signature is a little on the large side, BUT it is because Billet is their name too. This is my nephew and his new bride. Aren't they a cute couple?
fused glass,
liberty bell,
linda billet,
mosaic glass,
pass and stow,
Thursday, September 13, 2012
these are a few

"these are a few" (16 x 20) is the last thing I have completed. I actually did three chocolate and blue pieces, the other two are tiny 10 x 10's. So when I am showing this piece to Shaundi, I put on my best Julie Andrews voice. I proceeded to sing to the tune of "My Favourite Things." White chocolate, dark chocolate, bubbles, stripes, jimmies. Shaundi rolls her eyes and says, "Oh my God, Mom. Is that what you do in your shop all day?" Like I would EVER admit to that. But seriously, you can't hear that in your head?
fused glass,
glass. linda billet,
julie andrews,
Saturday, August 25, 2012
jersey boys
WOW! It has been a lo-O-ong time since I posted anything. I have not been a slug though. Just been a bit busy and am now coming up for air. There were a couple of projects going on including a diaper bag (coolest EVER) and some wedding gifts. Mostly I have been gestating this 30 lb baby. Sabrina Trips (26" x 26") is a commission with SO many features that I needed to figure out. I mean Jersey Boys, COME ON! It was tough and I trashed a few attempts but you know this is what I live for. I enjoyed every second right down to the last square...which was that hand. Ironically, the day I got down to just that part and was deciding what would go in there, I spent the day in NYC on a trip that was planned weeks prior. While in NYC, that hand waved to me at every intersection, "Don't walk, girlfriend!" You'll notice too that Banksy did some work right beside my tag. How cool? So am I lucky? Hell yeah! I make my own luck.
Four Seasons,
Frankie Vallie,
fused glass,
Jersey Boys,
linda billet,
mosaic glass,
New York,
New York City,
U S Open,
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
what you focus on expands
You know I spill my guts to everyone that will listen. I'll tell you, sometimes it is overwhelming when I think how far away I am from where I want to be. I only have about half a life left to accomplish some big stuff that I have planned! But instead of lamenting how far I need to go, it is "more better" to celebrate how far I have come. These photos were my week. Top one is my booth from last weekend's show, one of the best in the country, the VABeach Boardwalk show. The photo was taken from my hotel room, a stone's throw from my booth. There I am standing in my blue shirt with my work while I have that ocean behind me! So if that is not cool enough, while I'm at the show, I get a call from the Harrisburg Patriot that they are doing a short article on me from photos taken a while back. I get home Monday to see that it is a whole PAGE of photos of my work. No shit! So I was still crapping myself over that and the UPS man delivers the books I ordered. I knew I got my work in Mosaic Art Today but then I open the book and find it has ten -that's right, TEN pages of my work! This is nuts. I mean, this is a book that features the work of some of my idols, and my work is included in that same book. How does this happen?
I am an artist. Yup, I am actually an ARTIST. Sometimes I think about the person I was a short decade ago and I find it hard to comprehend. I would have NEVER called myself an artist back then but I dreamed about it. I often think that people may someday find out that I am just me. Here is how positive thinking works. You don't just sit around and daydream things up and have them fall in your lap. Hell no! Dreaming AND believing AND DOING! When I started believing that I was an artist, I was able to behave as an artist. It takes a pair of stones to go to a gallery knowing there is the potential of rejection. It will take the same stones for anybody to do what they want to do. I am telling you that whatever you want to be, you ARE that already even if it does not seem that way. Just start believing it and moving in the right direction. Put yourself out there. You have everything you need. It's in you. I'm not saying it is easy. I'm not saying all your goals will be accomplished tonight. But I WILL tell you that while I am trying to "get there," I love the journey. Evidence is pictured above...times three. I stay focused on THESE accomplishments, instead of the ones I have not yet pocketed. I'll never accomplish all my goals because for every goal I accomplish, I dream up two more. Start dreaming. Start believing. Start moving in the right direction. Enjoy the ride! End of sermon!
fused glass,
linda billet,
mosaic art today,
mosaic glass,
patriot news,
virginia beach
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
mojito mojo
So cool. This weekend is our 27th anniversary and we will be at the VA Beach Boardwalk show. The cool part is that my son and his wife are coming down to VA to hook up with us for a few nights. We are right ON the beach in our hotel and for the show. I really worked my ass off to finish "feelin' mojito?" in time to take along. Why a mojito, you ask? Those of you that know me will think it is weird because I don't even drink... I mean its rare. I saw a bill board and it just got me thinking. Anyway, one of my daughter's friends is a bartender and I asked him if I could get away with a drink umbrella in a mojito. I guess it is safe to say that Ernest Hemingway would not approve but I did the umbrella anyway. It's art, yo.
fused glass,
linda billet,
virginia beach
Monday, May 28, 2012
SO much fun in the tub
He's hot. He's steamy. He's SO much fun in the tub. Love this guy. I had a Mr. Bubble shirt that was my fave for years. I guess seeing the can of Mr. Bubble foam soap in my bathroom everyday has kept this at the top of my "to-do" list. The "foam" letters are sandblasted white glass so they look pretty darn real in person. Billet work in pastel? Yup, it happened. Just plain happiness here, can't stop smiling!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
one sexy bath
Somewhere in Maryland there is a guy who is pretty happy taking showers. Even though I finished my part of his bath back in September, the rest of the project got held up till just recently. I am so happy to get this photo and can't wait till my site is redone so I can get it up there too. This is almost everything I love about glass. Stripes, bubbles, blues, a bit of green. This blue column was fairly pivotal in my recent decision to make all my work mosaicked. It was one of those things that just became one of the aha moments.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Midd-West mayhem

Good fun! I used music from One.man.And -the band that Kaleo is drumming for right now. I also finished the video for Juniata. I was waiting for a photo of the mosaic installed but never got it, so....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkQFrDOBklA&feature=relmfu This one just has generic pinnacle program generated music. When I watch these, I have to smile. Ahhh...back in my studio tomorrow.
artist in residence,
high school,
linda billet,
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
hey now, you're an all star

"all star",
"art glass",
"fused glass",
"glass art",
"linda billet",
"mosaic glass",
Thursday, March 29, 2012
coming up for air
So totally swamped. I will have the whole skinny on this shortly. For now, here are two "fast and dirty" photos of our progress in Middleburg. This is a result of THREE DAYS of these kids' work, no kidding! First day I spent just explaining how to cut glass...eight times. Every period we start over and each kid takes the time to try it out so the first day nothing was adhered. I can't freaking wait to see this done. Saturday and Sunday I can work on my sneaker mosaic.
OK, here is how I know I have it good. We played the lottery for this weekend's 500 big ones. If we win, the above paragraph will still acurately state my intentions for the next two weeks. No shit! That's my life. I'll hire help around the house so I can WORK MORE!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
everyone can give

In short, Operation Oliver is a war veteran's mission to save Oliver Street and bring it back to what it was...maybe even better. Of late, this section had been so deteriorated that it was what the HBO series, "The Wire," is based on. http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/iraq-afghanistan-war-vets-save-us-city-15283191 I definitely had my kismet ON with this work because I wound up meeting an accomplished mosaic artist from Baltimore. Yeah, and she was willing to help! You'll be able to see Jo Alexander's work and mine installed this summer. Take your checkers.
Friday, February 24, 2012
you crazy diamond!

Do you know what I am saying? I am saying that if you are thinking about leaving your secure job and following your dreams, I am here to tell you that dreams come true. I don't care how old you are, if you know you're ready, JUMP! I have a link to a video of the Glass Thread exhibit because it shows the armonica, a glass instrument, popular back in Ben Franklin's day.
I guess that just floats my boat because I am a glass person and because today I learned that Guy Pratt, featured in Pink Floyd’s “Shine On You Crazy Diamond,”opens the song with an armonica. Pretty cool, huh?
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