Sunday, December 25, 2011
yeah, my kids are weird
Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011
my happy dance for the week

Friday, September 16, 2011
no, I haven't been a slug!
This is ONE of the two projects I am working on. That rainbow of glass I showed you in last post? Here is where it went. There are a few changes that have been made on this already and it is a fast dirty photo but you get the idea. The tasty parts are done. Now for the mind-numbing part......the white background. The fun is over but what will keep me going is to see this DONE and grouted. Ten feet of sparkling glass- aaahhhhhh. Love, love LOVE it. There is no way to tell you how exciting that is. Oh yeah, to help you envision this finished.....Picture water in front of it, palm trees behind it. Squeal!
The other project is smaller but JUST as exciting. Fused glass tiles in the colors that I MOST want to work in. Hope to have photos soon after I get back from Baltimore. There's a great show at the aquarium Sat 17th and Sun 18th. Come see me if you can!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
what a ride!
So I am trying to get all that done and have not blogged but what prompted me to get on my keyboard is some crazy good news that I had to share. Last night I found out that I got into Disney's Festival of the Masters. I have to tell you that Rob and I are HUGE Disney fans. This is SO exciting. Without thinking about logistics, I just wrote my check for my space and will MAKE it all happen. For now, I gotta get busy. As soon as I can, I'll show you what happens to that rainbow of glass.
Monday, July 25, 2011
see what I mean?

Monday, July 11, 2011
Kaleo and Erin
Now, that we have done the best we could we can just sit back to watch the rest unfold. My son and his wife will not be doing things our way. They will be making a life that works with how THEY see the world-and believe me, it's a lot different than how we see it. Neither way is better, they are just different. Rob and I grumbled about the wedding being so late. People traveling would be inconvenienced, blah, blah, blah. Kaleo argued that they love sunsets. They were smart enough to listen and start a bit earlier. More importantly, they were smart enough to stick to their guns and have the evening wedding which you can see was the perfect choice- FOR THEM! I will never stop GIVING this man advice as long as he wants it. I will also never stop TAKING advice from him as well. He is one of the people who are helping me along on my journey. Maktub. With their advice I will make decisions that work well for me and respect that they will do the same for themselves. Congratulations, Erin and Kaleo. I love you both.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm not sure where I first heard about the Bethany Hamilton story, but I remember driving past a billboard with a motivational message and photo of her standing by her board. When I was up late one night watching Tavis Smiley, he interviewed her for the movie "Soul Surfer." Of course, after seeing the interview and the movie I was so inspired. Even before I saw the movie I figured I would make a wave with Bethany. When I want to complain about something, I stop and think that I really don't have anything to complain ABOUT!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Warrior Run
Friday, April 29, 2011
art is subjective

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 da Jungle 16 x 23

Monday, April 11, 2011
back to skoool
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Grandma's Besty

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
how do you make Oprah Cola?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
caffeinated faerie

Friday, March 4, 2011
see what I mean?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
this is the good stuff
So what does this have to do with art? Well since the beginning of the year, I have been working on the same piece, Oprah Cola. It is taking really long because I am doing a video of it. Part of the design was a huge palm sized bottle cap. I've already scrapped 7 bottle caps along with a couple hundred dollars worth of materials that the caps were made of, not to mention the time and electric I spent. I now have three small caps that are almost finished. Fingers crossed. So I'm pressing to get this done. I'm so excited to see if the end result is what I have been thinking about for a year or more. While I'm so close to the finish line is when Kaleo asked me to go hiking. The thing is that the hike was SO what I needed. When one works for themselves, especially if they work from home, they really rarely stop working.....especially if they are in love with their job as I am. The hike made me stop and breathe. Kaleo and I always bounce ideas off of each other, usually talking about life. He calls it vibing. It was great to spend the day with one of the greatest people in the whole world. When I started back on the bottle caps, I had new energy which I hope will be evident in the finished work.
At the end of the day, I'm thinking that there may be a possibility that Kaleo is not actually the best son in the whole world. Maybe my dogs are not the funniest, cutest dogs that ever lived. What if my daughter is not really the wittiest or Rob the best husband as I feel they are? Maybe they are just right for me. I always felt that I was a person who saw the glass half full. But now while everyone is deciding between half empty or half full, I'm looking past the glass at the waitress on the way with a pitcher. For me, half full is just the temporary joy ride to full. If you're still reading this sappy happy horse shit, then think of this- How much happier would you be if you just loved what you already have? Nothing wrong with wanting more. I do. But while you are making more happen, just notice what you already HAVE! Today's hike would have been much more enjoyable with another 60 degrees on top of the 7 but it was still freaking fab. There are definitely faults in each of my loved ones, especially the four legged ones. I wouldn't trade any of these guys. I see SO much good in them. The cherry on top of my day was when Kaleo called me this afternoon to say thanks for hiking with him cause he had a great day that also made him do some soul searching. This is the good stuff.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
pretty cool january

Sunday, January 2, 2011
SO ready for 2011