Sunday, January 20, 2019

full steam ahead

Last post I said I'd be full steam ahead in the new year and that started on January 2.  I am working on the biggest, most collaborative project that I've ever been a part of.  Just like most artists I know, I want to do every inch of my work MY WAY.  That's not what happens in a collaboration. 

I guess there were about 75 kids and each got their own patch of color to work on and do whatever they wanted.
Here are two of the 6 mosaics that I am obligated to produce for this project.  These took two weeks and there are six more weeks spread out through May.  I am working with all seven Lower Dauphin schools, and five of them are grade schools!  The resulting mosaics will find their home in the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute in Harrisburg.  All six mosaics will be on the adolescent floor of this hospital.  We are hoping to help provide a more nurturing environment for patients and the people caring for them.  Does something this big have it's twists and turns?  Oh, you bet.  But even though I don't enjoy certain aspects of a collaboration, I have to admit that those things make me more bad ass and capable of the next cool thing.  Thanks Pennsylvania Council on the Arts for what you've done to make this happen.

AND, I just realized that I didn't mention the video someone made for me.  Olivia Pfeffer did a fantastic job and I highly recommend her.  You can see the video here on YouTube.