Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Late last year a great friend and fellow artist, Cristine Goldbeck- www.christinegoldbeck.com told me about landfillproject. A guy from Wilkes Barre, PA had all these hubcaps that he was trying to save from becoming landfill. He was sending hubcaps ("canvases") to professional artists and asking to have them returned as art. Well now the project has become much larger. It currantly includes art from 47 countries! The project will eventually become a traveling show and a book. It's completion is projected to be 2012. Check it out at http://www.landfillart.org/

We were lucky to have missed a tornado in Virginia Beach last weekend. Parts of VABeach had 2 inch hail falling! One of my pieces will soon have a home in France! (Thanks Pierre! Hope your wife likes it!) Hope to be in VABeach this September for Neptune Festval's art show.

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